About DiaMáma
The DiaMama program is an online course and supportive web (in future mobile) application for women with gestational diabetes.
It is compiled by doctors and nutritionists.
The online educational course explains in a clear and practical way the official recommendations for lifestyle and dietary changes that women with this diagnosis need to adopt quickly for the health of themselves and their babies. The supporting app available to participants then helps them to translate this knowledge into everyday life.

The entire program design and information are based on the latest officially approved guidelines for treating gestational diabetes in the Czech Republic.
About gestational diabetes
According to the latest data, up to 19% of pregnancies in the Czech Republic are accompanied by gestational diabetes mellitus. If this disease is not properly managed, it poses a risk of a number of complications for the pregnant woman and the baby. For example, high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia or urinary tract diseases are more common in such pregnancies. High fetal birth weight and the associated higher risk of birth injuries to mother and baby or cesarean delivery are no exceptions. Underdevelopment of the newborn’s internal organs may occur and, in extreme cases, there is a risk of placental necrosis associated with the baby’s death in utero. But it doesn’t end with childbirth. The consequences of a mother’s elevated glycemia affect the health of her child well into adulthood. Due to metabolic programming in utero, children of mothers with poorly managed gestational diabetes have a higher risk of developing obesity, metabolic disorders, and diabetes. Diabetes in pregnancy has also been linked to speech disorders, hyperactivity, learning and attention deficit disorders (ADHD), or autism. This results in children being born with poorer health prospects because of pregnancy.
Although, gestational diabetes can be very well managed and have minimal negative effects. In the first instance, treatment is usually based on so-called regimen measures such as dietary changes and increased physical activity. In more severe cases, drug treatment is also added.
Treatment gaps of gestational diabetes
Unfortunately, doctors often do not have enough time to explain the regimen. According to an internal survey, 53% of women find the speed and brevity of the information about GDM treatment given by the doctor insufficient or incomprehensible. Alternatively, they do not remember much of the conversation. This is not the fault of the doctors, but, as we see it, the setting of the health care system. Pregnant women thus look for information in internet discussions and on websites, the quality and accuracy of which are often very questionable. However, they are aware of the negative effects of illness on the health of not only their own but especially that of the expected child. They feel fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness. They feel that they are alone in the whole problem. It is not clear to them what they can actually eat. For fear of harming the baby, they often defacto „eat almost nothing“. This leads to low birth weight babies and nutrient deficiencies in both mother and baby.
How does DiaMama solve problems?
The DiaMáma program wants to make it as easy as possible for women to manage gestational diabetes. The online course explains the official recommendations and diet for pregnancy diabetes in a clear and practical way. The DiaMama web app then helps to transfer this knowledge into everyday life and onto the plate. Women will understand which foods are suitable and which are not. They have sample menus with recipes and lists of suitable foods. The app also allows them to fill in a food diary. It gives women feedback on how many carbohydrates, fat, and protein their diet contains – important indicators for a pregnancy diabetes diet. The app also visualizes the effects of diet and lifestyle (e.g., sleep, activity, stress) on disease management and glycemic values. With a few clicks, a woman can generate a report with graphs and charts or a diabetes diary for her doctor. These will give him a great overview of the course of the disease. The women in the program learn the general basics from the quality information, trying to apply it in practice. They bring a detailed report to the attending physician for follow-up and thus have more time to address individual recommendations.

Self-study in peace
At your own pace. Lessons can be played repeatedly if the woman needs.

Quality information
Comprehensive education from doctors and other experts. Focused on understanding. A better option to „googling“ on the internet.

Praktické nástroje
Sample meal plans and recommended recipes, lists of suitable foods with explanations.
The DiaMama program was created by experts
The online program DiaMama has been meticulously developed with the utmost attention and conscientiousness for the benefit of all women diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

MUDr. Hana Krejčí, Ph.D.
internist and diabetologist at the General University Hospital in Prague

Mgr. Jan Vyjídák, LL.M MSc.
expert advisor in medical care and nutrition based on scientific studies

Mgr. et Mgr. Adéla Kábelová
nutritional therapist from the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University
In cooperation with Czech Technical University in Prague
– Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Jídelní plán – a software for guided nutritional interventions.